RSIPF investigates suspicious death in Choiseul province

Jul/01 05:00
Choiseul Province

RSIPF investigates suspicious death in Choiseul province

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Taro in Choiseul Province are investigating a suspicious death of a 71-year-old-man found lying on the beach along with his fibre dugout canoe at Pavora village, North West Choiseul.

Commissioner of Police Mostyn Mangau says, “According to the initial report, the deceased left his family to attend a funeral service at Nukiki village in his dugout canoe in the morning on 23 June 2021.”

Commissioner says, “The deceased left Nukiki village at about 4pm in the afternoon heading back to his home village. He was last sighted by villagers in Birabira, a village less than a kilometre to Pavora.”

Commissioner says, “During that time weather was quite bad. It was windy with high sea soils. Police witnessed injuries on his body like bruises on deceased top head and scratches on his face with bleeding on his left ear.”

Investigation into this sad incident is still ongoing as death enquiry already been established. My condolence to the family and relatives of the deceased during this time of bereavement as we lose one of our family member.

“To the outboard motor boats and dugout canoe users in Choiseul province, it is very important to look out for weather before we decide to travel to other places. Do not risk our lives going out during bad weathers. Stay ashore until it is safe to go out in the sea,” says Commissioner Mangau.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239