Suspect charged for careless and reckless driving after fatal accident at Tenaru Bridge

Jul/09 08:00

Suspect charged for careless and reckless driving after fatal accident at Tenaru Bridge

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) at the Henderson Police Station have charged a suspect with careless driving in relation to the fatal road accident at the Tenaru Bridge East of Honiara on 7 July 2021 that took the lives of five people.

The accused has been charged for causing death by reckless and careless driving, contrary to section 38(1) of the Road and Transport Act after he was arrested yesterday 8 July 2021.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander, Guadalcanal Province, Superintendent Sevoa said the land cruiser was chased by a police vehicle for careless driving from the Burns Creek area. On their way up to Tenaru Bridge, the driver of the land cruiser saw an incoming vehicle on the Bridge and a parked vehicle at the western end of the Bridge, so the driver of the land cruiser decided to drive through the old Tenaru Bridge where a fundraising was happening.

Superintendent Sevoa says, “The vehicle drove straight towards the crowd, hit several people and later stopped. The driver of the land cruiser escaped after the accident but was later arrested. It has been confirmed that the suspect was drunk. Some unknown person later burnt down the land cruiser into ashes.

Supervising PPC Sevoa said a traffic case has been established and investigation is currently ongoing.

“I call on parties involved in this sad incident to refrain from taking the laws into their own hands and allow police to deal with the matter so that those responsible could face justice. A remand application has been prepared to remand the suspect.”

“Our condolences to the family and relatives of the deceased for the loss of their loved ones,” said PPC Sevoa.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239