RSIPF Choiseul arrest suspect in alleged burning of logging vehicle

RSIPF Officers in Taro, Choiseul Province have arrested a suspect in connection with the alleged burning of a logging truck with damages estimated at $500,000.00 at the Tuzu Logging Camp in South Choiseul on Thursday 3 August 2017.

The suspect, a representative of one of the local clans, was brought to Taro Police Station and was formally arrested and placed in custody while investigations continue into the incident.

Provincial Police Commander, Choiseul Province, Ms Cedar Nevol appeals for calm among members of the clans who are signatories to the logging agreement which allows the logging activity to take place in the Tuzu area.

“RSIPF encourages our community elders to discuss any matter that their people might not be satisfied with in such logging agreements and not to take the law into their own hands. I appreciate the assistance from members of the local community in the apprehension of the suspect and commend my officers for attending to the matter despite the bad weather in the area,” says PPC Nevol.