Police clarify article on mysterious money missing

Jul/12 06:00

Police clarify article on mysterious money missing

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The Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) would like to clarify an article published by Solomon Star newspaper over the weekend on mysterious missing money.

Deputy Commissioner (DC) National Security and Operation Support Mr Ian Vaevaso says, first I must put the facts right base on the article. To suggest that a ‘… link of a foreign advisor in the suspected delaying the conclusion of police investigation in to the matter’. This is not true and a matter subject to investigation.

DC Vaevaso says, second point I would like to make it very clear as stated in the article is ‘…the foreign advisor is the only officer who knows the combination to the safe where the money was kept’. Again, this is not true and still matter under investigation.

Mr Vaevaso says the delay is a matter for the investigators to completely satisfy with their findings and do a submission to Director Public Prosecution (DPP) for adjudication and sanction. To speculate on such case is not helpful. Remember, it will always take time to deal with such case of complexity before it reach the court.

He says the matter will only go before the court when it meets the standards of evidence that must be presented before the Court. To mislead our people is not a good idea at this stage. I asked that we wait patiently until the outcome of the investigation for fair reporting.

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Solomon Islands

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Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb