RSIPF welcomes public support following Lio Ridge kwaso raid

The RSIPF greatly welcomes the support from members of the public following the successful raid at the Lio Ridge area in East Honiara during the weekend which resulted in the arrest of four suspects and the confiscation of 2,000 litres of the illegal substance kwaso with an estimated street value of $100,000.00.

Police also confiscated distilling apparatus during the raid as well as other material evidence.

“We welcome all the comments from members of the public through social media following the successful police operations. RSIPF appreciates the comments thanking the police for their work with the assistance from the community. We also welcome some of the comments which have been made which showed a certain level of misunderstanding of the work of the police in such incidences,” says Assistant Commissioner (Honiara City and Crime Prevention), Gwen Ratu.

Assistant Commissioner (AC), Ratu explains: “The police have powers under the Police Act 2013 to execute searches if it believes on reasonable grounds that an offence has been committed, or being committed or about to be committed. Therefore a warrant was not required in this case.”

Police in such incidences will collect all possible evidence from the scene of the alleged crime to support its case in court. All material evidence is kept in the custody of the police until the Court decides on its disposal.

AC Ratu appeals to any member of the public either in Honiara or any part of the country who believe they have information that someone in their community is producing any of the illegal substances including kwaso or marijuana to come forward with the information to their nearest police station.

“These illegal substances (kwaso) have already and will continue to affect our youth and cause a lot of anti-social problems within our communities. RSIPF will do all it can, under its powers with the assistance of the community, to rid of such substances from our communities,” says Assistant Commissioner, Gwen Ratu.