Angry youths attacked police during an eviction order in East Honiara

Jul/22 07:00
Guadalcanal Province

Angry youths attacked police during an eviction order in East Honiara

File Photo

The City Response Team (CRU) of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Central Police Station was rocked by some angry youths when they assisted Guadalcanal Police to execute an eviction order from the High Court of Solomon Islands at Lunga in East Honiara.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Honiara City, Superintendent John Matamaru says, “Initial report stated that some angry youths who related to the losing party threw stones at the police officers on the ground while executing the eviction order from the High Court on 21 July 2021.

PPC Matamaru says during the incident, officers on the ground Jumped out to protect themselves and the police vehicle from the rain of rocks. Officers managed to control the situation and moved the suspects away from the area.

Superintendent Matamaru says those suspects escaped as officers managed to control the situation and allowed the contractor to continue with the demolition work.

“The operation will continue and police are doing what is required by the High Court of Solomon Islands and if any criminal activities seen entertained by anybody, they will be accountable for their actions. Always know that as long as you take the law into your own hands you will have to face justice,” says PPC Matamaru.

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Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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