Stream valley community launch by-law in West Honiara

Jul/29 05:00
Honiara, Solomon Islands

Stream valley community launch by-law in West Honiara

A female community member receive her recognition letter during the launching program

Introducing by-law will make the Stream valley community a safer and enjoyable place to live, a strong message uttered by Alvin Kiupua Maui, Vice Chairman, Stream valley community police during a community launching of their by-law yesterday (28 July 2021).

Vice Chairman Maui in his speech at the launching ceremony said we must acknowledge the community by-law that will enable us to learn the important concept of living with law. Community by will relieve us by protecting our people from unlawful practices and illegal activities.

Mr. Maui said the struggle to achieve this launching is a great challenge we faced and today is a testimony of success for us in the community. Now our community is entering into a new method that will be an open door to address proper security, legal services and other services considering the safety and success of all individuals.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Honiara City Police, Superintendent John Matamaru said today marks a new milestone in the history of Stream valley community to launch your community by-law. As you clearly outlined in your theme ‘Peace and unity for success’ is the very core reason why your community decided to establish your community by law.

Superintendent Matamaru says the importance of your by-law is for the good and betterment of your community when it comes to law and order. Law and order in the community to prevent crime is the responsibility of everyone.

Mr. Matamaru said I believe the only way forward for us to address anti-social issues in our community is through partnership or working together. Let us not work in isolation but let us work together to build a strong and consistent network to address issues in our community.

He said the by-laws are not new kinds of rules or laws. Those are the once that already exist in our communities but not visited due to our ignorance. I want to thank the Stream valley in taking the initiatives to redirect the course and recognise the importance of the by-laws.”

“I will ensure to do my best to provide you with policing support.

Let us continue to work together to support each other to prevent crime and address crime related issues in our community for a better community for the future of our children,”

said PPC Matamaru.

A good number of people came to witness the launching program and among them is the Chairman of the Honiara City Council Law Enforcement Charles Lesimaoma and other invited guests.

Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239