Police assures the public to continue with business as usual after a plan protest in Honiara

Aug/09 08:00
Honiara, Solomon Islands

Police assures the public to continue with business as usual after a plan protest in Honiara

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The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has assured the public to continue with business as usual after a planned protest to the Office of the Prime Minister this morning in the capital, Honiara.

Commissioner Mangau says, I strongly ask those who intend to join the protest to refrain. The planned protest was illegal under the Procession Act and the current State of Public Emergency Regulation. RSIPF will not tolerate such illegal activities that threatens Public Safety and National Security. The Police is on top of the situation and have advice the organisers not to progress with any protest whatsoever.

He says, “There are factors that we must take into consideration when people want to stage protest or wish to march through the streets of Honiara. Request for permission to stage any public protest must be received by the Provincial Secretary and the Provincial Police Commander (PPC) within 48 hours before the event takes place. In the case of Honiara, the request must be received by the Honiara Council City Clerk and the PPC Honiara City for further assessments before any protest could be allowed to take place.”

The Police Chief says, “The RSIPF recognise the right of citizens to protest peacefully but that has to be made within the bounds of our law and consideration must be given to public safety. Police have learnt from previous protests or even floats that though the majority of our protestors adhered to the conditions that were attached to the approval of their requests, some opportunists hijack the situation turning the otherwise peaceful intention into violence damaging properties and causing injuries.”

“Once again, I want to assure the good citizens of Solomon Islands especially in Honiara that the situation in the capital city is ‘business as usual’ but police will continue to closely monitor the situation,” says Commissioner Mangau.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239
Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb