RSIPF witness launching of by-law in Central Province

Aug/10 05:00
Central province

RSIPF witness launching of by-law in Central Province

By-laws exist in our communities to blend church and custom for the good of our communities, Chairperson of the Crime Prevention Committee (CPC) at Ha’a community Gabriel Luna told his people during a launching of their by-law in Central Province on 8 August 2021.

Mr Luna says I acknowledge the Royal Solomon Island Police Force for the partnership and working together with our community leading to the successful launching of the by-law and that will enable us to learn the important concept of living with law. Community by-law will relieve us by protecting our people from unwanted practices and illegal activities.

Operation Manager, Central Province Police, Inspector George Mouli says the only way forward for us to address anti-social issues in our communities is through partnership or working together.

Inspector Mouli said today marks a history for Ha’a community to launch its community by-law. This is good and better for your community when it comes to law and order.

Mr Mouli said law and order in the community to prevent crime is the responsibility of everyone, and I believe the only way forward for us to address anti-social issues in our communities is through partnership or working together. Let us not work in isolation but let us work together to build a strong and consistent network to address issues in our communities.

“I will try my best to provide you with policing support. Let us continue to work together to support each other to prevent crime and address crime related issues in our communities for a better community for the future of our children,” says Operation Manager Mouli.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239