RSIPF witness a reconciliation over logging issue in Renbel province

Oct/04 08:00
Renbel province

RSIPF witness a reconciliation over logging issue in Renbel province

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Tigoa Police station in Renbel Province have witnessed a reconciliation ceremony in relation to a logging issue on 3 October 2021

Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Renbel province Staff Sergeant Eddie Peseika says, “The reconciliation was to maintain the peace and relationship after a logging issue occurred on 19 September 2021.”

PPC Pesika says, “Seven people who were employed by a logging company at Tigoa were under the influence of liquor when they confronted landowners at their village and threw stones, damaged dwelling houses and intimidated them. The matter was reported to police and the suspects were arrested, charged and bail for court at a later date”

Mr Peseika says, “During the reconciliation Police were able to highlight the importance of having reconciliation to ensure peace remains amongst us, as one people in the community and province as a whole. Both parties exchange money and shake hands which indicates peace restored back between them.”

He says, “Even though the reconciliation has happened between both parties, police will still continue with investigation into the case and bring it before the court.”

“I want to thank both parties including chiefs, elders and police officers for making this reconciliation a successful one to make sure peace and harmony is restored between the two parties,” says PPC Peseika.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239