RSIPF and CPCs conducts review on Yandina by-law in Central Province

Oct/21 06:00
Central province

RSIPF and CPCs conducts review on Yandina by-law in Central Province

File photo

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at the Tulagi Police Station together with the Community Governance and Grievance Management Project (CGGMP) have conducted a review of Yandina community by-law on 19 October 2021.

The review was conducted following community application of the by-law and identified the need to address issues concerning moral beliefs (Culture) and Customs since Yandina is a multicultural community. The by-law has been reviewed and will be launched next month.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Central Province, Superintendent Soakai says, “I am privileged indeed under the arm of the RSIPF crime prevention roll out program in Central Province to salute leaders in various communities set up in Yandina for their time and effort in reviewing the by-law.”

PPC Soakai says, “The reviewing of this by-law shows working together by members of the community. I would like to thank chiefs, church leaders, CPCs, men, women and youths in Yandina to have this by-law reviewed to shape our mind set as a leader on ways to have peace in the community.”

Mr Soakai says, “Reviewing of this by-law reveals ownership among people, properties and resources to accept the security measures of the leaders leading the ways of developments in rural communities.”

“I appeal to all leaders of Yandina and Russell Islands to stand tall in the rural community to respect and work with the Crime Prevention Committee (CPCs) and chiefs to ensure our community is peaceful and crime free for the good of our children and generation to come,” says PPC Soakai.

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Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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