Ships and boats owners are warn not to move in and out of the emergency zone

Dec/04 08:00

Ships and boats owners are warn not to move in and out of the emergency zone

File Photo

Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) warns all vessels berthing at the domestic wharf in Point Cruz, Honiara that there will be restriction on vessels going out and coming in as of 5 December 2021.

This also includes small banana boats that use to travel to and from our islands.

RSIPF Commissioner Mostyn Mangau says, “As Gazetted, a vessel must not enter or leave the Port of Honiara or come along side or berth at a wharf that is located within the port of Honiara or anywhere else on the coast of the Emergency Zone or go on shore anywhere on the coast of the emergency zone.”

Commissioner adds, “Operators of vessels must not permit or enable a person on board the vessel to disembark from the vessel and go ashore anywhere on the coast of the emergency zone.”

These regulations should be considered important, if any breaching occurred one will have to be responsible for his/her action.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239