RSIPF appeal to community to cooperate with police and health workers

Jan/21 09:00

RSIPF appeal to community to cooperate with police and health workers

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The Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) advises the public in the Emergency Zone from Poha to Alligator Creek Bridge to cooperate with police and health workers during the lockdown period.

Commissioner of Police Mostyn Mangau says, “It has been experienced by our police and health officers that some citizens refused to take swaps during the process of the contact tracing in Honiara.”

Commissioner Mangau says, “I urge the public to respect and support frontlines in their efforts to contain the situation in Honiara and affected provinces as we experience an increase in COVID-19 community transmission.”

Commissioner Mangau says, “We urged all the good people in the Honiara emergency zone to consider this seriously. Please follow the simple health measures such as hand wash with soap and water regularly, use hand sanitizers, and keep a social distance of about two meters from other person.”

Mr Mangau says, “All exemption personal to ensure that they only travel to do work and not abuse the exemption to attend to other activities. Any personal who found to abuse the exemption will result in the exemption being cancelled.”

“Let us work together and support our Government in the fight against COVID-19 to protect our families, our communities and Country says,” Commissioner Mangau

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239