RSIPF urges continues cooperation from public against current situation

Jan/28 05:00

RSIPF urges continues cooperation from public against current situation

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The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is urging residents of Honiara City and other parts of the country to take a leading role in ensuring their families and people acted responsibly.

RSIPF Deputy Commissioner Operations Juanita Matanga Says, “The RSIPF is working hard to support the MHMS in trying to contain the spread of the virus. However, the RSIPF continue to receive complaints about the behaviour of certain people that are creating harms to others.

“I want to warn those who are planning to take advantage of the situation that the COVID 19 Police Operation are continuing visibility patrols throughout Honiara City and we will not tolerate anyone that is planning to commit any crime while a lot of resources are focused on protecting Honiara City from the spread of the virus.”

“At this time of crisis considering living a healthy and a peaceful life is paramount. The importance of living in a peaceful manner is to avoid difficulties in responding to whatever situation,” DCP adds

It is important to live in harmony because when there is a death, the gatherings and paying respects as being a normal culture and traditions will be restricted. This is why it is important people must work together with RSIPF during this time of crisis.

It is time we take things seriously, as cases continue to increase every day. This virus did not choose people. Therefore, we must join hands to support the MHMS to fight this situation so that we quickly go back to normal situation.

If we continue to ignore the measures put in place by the MHMS then we will continue to face the consequences of our own actions.

“I want to call on all residents of Honiara and all Provinces to work together with the government authorities addressing the issue of the virus so we can get through this unfortunate situation as a united law abiding country,” DCP Matanga emphasizes.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239