A male person went fishing still not return home as expected

Feb/08 05:00
Makira Ulawa Province

A male person went fishing still not return home as expected

File Photo

A male person from Aorigi village in Makira-Ulawa Province who went on a fishing trip on 7 February 2022 did not returned home as expected.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Makira-Ulawa Province, Superintendent Peter Sitai said Kirakira Police has been contacting communities at Santa Anna and communities on the main island of Makira but these communities have not seen the canoe.

PPC Sitai said another attempt was made with Mami and Makorukoru communities in Makira, yet not successful due to poor mobile network coverage in the area.

Superintendent Sitai said the sea in that region was rough which limits search to be conducted. However, police is listening out for feedback from communities in and around Santa Catalina and Star harbour area.

RSIPF would like to remind boat owners and skippers of the importance of sea safety.

Before you travel, please plan your trip properly. Here are some safety points to remember before travelling:

• Plan your trip and let at least a member of your family know where you are going and what time you expect to arrive;
• Check the weather on SIBC or call the Met Service on phone 27658 or toll free 933;
• If you start your trip and the weather becomes bad, seek shelter until the sea is calm;
• Make sure your boat is seaworthy and your OBM is serviced and maintained;
• Know your skipper. Make sure they are experienced in driving boats;
• Do not overload your boat
• Wear life jackets
• Take food and water, paddles, first aid kit, anchor and rope, mirror to signal others, tools, bucket, torch, phone, flares and EPIRB;
• Take extra fuel;
• If your skipper is drunk, the boat should not travel, do not go with them or let them control the boat.

If you require help, at sea call the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) on phone 21609 or 27685 or the toll free phone 977; or call the RSIPF National Communication Centre on phone 23666 or the toll free phone 999.
Safety at sea starts with you. IF YOU ARE NOT TOO SURE, STAY ASHORE

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239
Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb