RSIPF officers in Aussie complete first week of firearm training

Feb/10 23:00

RSIPF officers in Aussie complete first week of firearm training

Active Armed Offender Training includes theoretical concepts. The RSIPF contingent in Australian Federal Police training overalls studying hard in the classroom.

National Response Department (NRD) officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) who are undertaking the armed offender training will be participating in practical scenarios and assessments.

The practical scenarios and assessments included:
• Members responding to a critical incident are required to assess the situation and provide a situation report detailing their observations, actions taken, proposed actions and what additional support is required;
• Method of movement, use of cover and concealment and the introduction of stimulus response;
• Rehearsing various tactics for use in a variety of circumstances and environments; and
• Introduced in dealing with Improvised Explosive Devices.

The Active Armed Offender training concluded on Friday 4 February 2022, and brought together all elements introduced during the week. Members were required to demonstrate search and contact drills through response to stimulus, incident management and application of medical assistance.

Officer in Charge of the Operational Safety Team, Gary Hahn, who is overseeing the delivery of the training, stated he is impressed with the skills RSIPF members have commenced the course with, the level of commitment being shown by the contingent and the quality of the new skills being acquired by RSIPF officers.

NRD Deputy Director, Superintendent Lionel Kapisa, commented the team has done very well and acquired many new skills.

The team’s new abilities to deal with critical incidents that may arise, which further develop the capabilities in response management.

RSIPF armourer, Constable Chivas Babasia, commented the new drills acquired would provide further security for the RSIPF. Chivas noted that the training further strengthened the bond between team members and ensured the team worked well together to deal with all aspects required in a critical incident response.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239