RSIPF officers in Aussie complete second week of Rifle User Training Program

Feb/17 07:00

RSIPF officers in Aussie complete second week of Rifle User Training Program

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National Response Department (NRD) officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) have successfully completed the second week of Daniels Defence Rifle User Training Program.

The training included:

• Exposure to the new firearm including different parts, operating components and accessories;
• Use of advanced sighting systems and various other accessories on the firearm;
• Different degrees of weapon readiness including load, action and unload;
• Practicing stoppage drills. This is about making the firearm operational after experiencing an empty magazine or obstruction;
• Dry firing and handling practice without any live ammunition;
• Live firing on the range and transition from primary firearm to secondary firearm;
• Learning to use the firearm at night using its light source;
• Shooting from a various positions including lying prone on the ground, kneeling, sitting and standing;
• Engage threats swiftly and move at the same time; and
• Assessments.

The RSIPF Contingents now successfully completed week two of the five weeks training and looking forward to the completion of this training course.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239