Great achievement – 10 out of 10!

Feb/23 01:00

Great achievement – 10 out of 10!

RSIPF officers receive a safety brief in preparation for practical scenario training

On Friday 18 February 2022, all ten (10) Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) officers successfully graduated from the Rifle User Training Program conducted in Australia by full-time Australian Federal Police Operational Safety Trainers.

All members demonstrated the necessary safety, weapon discipline, tactical and shooting skills to graduate from the program.

Commencing this week six Police Response Team (PRT) and two (2) Operational Safety Trainers will participate in a two week Rifle Instructor Training Program

This is to learn how to instruct other RSIPF officers in the safe use of the new capability. The two (2) National Response Department Armourers will also commence commercially provided armoury training. This will assist to ensure the RSIPF becomes self-sufficient in servicing and maintaining the new capability.

Elements of the Rifle User Training Program include:
• Safe weapon handling and muzzle discipline at all times;
• shooting from various positions. All members must demonstrate excellent marksmanship skills and are accountable for every round fired;
• Use of cover and concealment to provide tactical advantage and
• Understanding and demonstrating appropriate assessment and engagement of different threats.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239