RSIPF Contingents complete week four of training in Australia

Feb/28 23:00
Brisbane, Australia

RSIPF Contingents complete week four of training in Australia

RSIPF officers engaging targets from a standing position

Training continues for the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) officers that have travelled to Brisbane, Australia. The officers undertake training in new equipment and tactics. In their fourth week they have untaken trainings on.

• Range Safety Briefings;
• Range Controller roles and responsibilities;
• Range Safety Officer roles and responsibilities;
• Delivering 5.56 mm shooting assessments as an instructor;
• Preparation and maintenance of Training and Assessment Records;
• Weapon Handling Assessments; and
• Marksmanship and coaching principles.

The RSIPF officers were assessed on their competence to conduct Range Safety Briefings and safely run a firing range as a Range Safety Officer and were deemed competent.

RSIPF members continue to prove themselves as dedicated and committed to their training with Australian Federal Police Operational Safety Trainers, recognising the high level of general handling and tactical skills of the officers on commencing the training.

All officers were seen successful to the point required in the training that proves themselves safe and proficient in the tactics and use of weapons.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239