Police arrest 5 females for attacking an 18-year old girl

RSIPF officers in Guadalcanal Province have arrested five female suspects recently for the alleged attack on an 18-year old girl at Matepono, North Guadalcanal.

The five females allegedly attacked the victim after her boyfriend invited her to meet him at a location at Matepono.

Provincial Police Commander, Guadalcanal Province, Nixon Manetoga says, “It’s believed that the incident came out of a boy and girl relationship.”

The five female suspects are currently in police custody as investigations continue into the incident.

Provincial Police Commander, Guadalcanal, Mr Manetoga says, “It was a serious domestic violence incident and I appeal to our communities, churches and my good people of Guadalcanal to work together with police to manage and control such incidents occurring in our communities.”

“Only if we work together will we keep our communities safe,” says PPC Manetoga.

The victim was transported to the National Referral Hospital in Honiara after the incident and has since been discharged.