RSIPF Fire Services receive PPE equipment from AFP Policing Partner

Mar/24 06:00

RSIPF Fire Services receive PPE equipment from AFP Policing Partner

Fire Service officers with Commander and Commissioner during the handing over program

The Fire Services of the Royal Solomon Island Police (RSIPF) has received a range of essential Personal Protective Equipment items from Australian Policing Partner during a handing over ceremony this morning.

In partnership with New South Wales Fire and Rescue (FRNSW), RSIPF & AFP Policing Partnership (RAPPP) Mission Commander Paul Osborne, handed over a range of essential Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) items to RSIPF Fire and Rescue Services
This part of the National Operations delivery stream within RAPPP, which also includes the AFP providing workplace Advisory support to the RSIPF Fire Service by secondment arrangement with FRNSW.

FRNSW gifted specific fire safety PPE equipment to the value of SBD$380,000, including firefighting turn out coats and turn out overalls, which provided a protective barrier for officers responding to fire incidents.

Following the riots the RAPPP Advisor Gary Power has provided technical assistance to RSIPF Fire and Rescue Services as they work with Disaster Management Office and commence hazard remediation within the areas damaged during the unrest in November 2021. Gary is working with the RSIPF Fire officers with delivery of training, equipment maintenance and management.

Commissioner Mostyn Mangau says, “Thank you to the Commander RAPPP for handing over the gift of equipment from FRNSW and also for the AFP’s ongoing Fire Advisory support.”

Commander Paul Osborne says, “AFP are happy to partner with NSWFR to provide this ongoing support to RSIPF Fire and Rescue Services of RSIPF. This is an important division within RSIPF and this equipment will assist officers as they perform their role under challenging conditions responding and protecting the community in times of need.”

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239