RSIPF warns public about increase in house break-ins.

The RSIPF warns members of the public about the increasing incidences of house break-ins in Honiara and that they take all pre-cautions to ensure their residences and properties are secure at all times.

“From the reports coming in from our officers within the Honiara town, we note that there is an increase in the incidences of house break-ins over the past couple of weeks. This is a concern so we want to advice residences to ensure their homes are properly secured if they are intending to go out or at night when they are asleep,” says Supervising Commissioner, Juanita Matanga.

“I would also like to urge residences to closely observe the movement of people in their neighbourhoods and look out for strangers loitering around their areas. Let us assist one another to stop such incidences increasing in our communities,” says Ms Matanga.

Members of the public are advised to call Police on 23666 or 999 for assistance.