Police arrest suspects for different offenses in Bellona

May/09 06:00
Renbell Province

Police arrest suspects for different offenses in Bellona

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Police at Bellona have arrested three suspects last week in relation to an assault incident that happened at Gongonna village in west Bellona.

First suspect was arrested for assaulting a youth, whilst the other two suspects were arrested for brewing of homebrew.

The incident had happened after a group of drunken youths were involved in a fight as a result one youth sustained some injuries to his upper lips, back head and left arm.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Renbel, Staff Sergeant Eddie Peseika said the suspect has been arrested and placed under police custody while investigation continues.

PPC Peseika said there are few other suspects that are yet to be arrested and we are working on it for their arrests soon.

Staff Sergeant Peseika said since the relatives of the suspect are not happy and planning a retaliation on the suspect, police keep the suspect in a safe place while dealing with the matter.

He said Renbel police is working on a remand application for the assault case while the other two suspects will be released on bail. The suspects will appear during a court circuit on a later date.

Mr Peseika said police will keep on arresting people committing offenses. Therefore, we need to work together to address issues in our own communities.

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