RSIPF-CPP boosted with training from China Police

May/24 02:00

RSIPF-CPP boosted with training from China Police

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The Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) has already improved its capacity and capability over the last five months that clearly promoted community safety and security, a statement uttered during the closing ceremony of the Close Personal Protection (CPP) group one at Rove Police Headquarter by Deputy Commissioner (DC) National Security and Operation Support (NSOS) Mr Ian Vaevaso.

The two weeks training concluded on 20 May 2022 with the presentation of certificates to fourteen participants by China Police Liaison Team Leader Commissioner Mr Zhang Guang bao and DC Mr Ian Vaevaso.

Mr Vaevaso in his closing remarks said I am very excited that more of the People's Republic of China (PRC), Ministry of Public Security assistance projects in various forms are coming which will certainly benefit the RSIPF organization and Solomon Islands.

I am very grateful to the government of PRC and Solomon Islands for seeing the importance of establishing this genuine diplomatic relationship between our countries that have yielded unprecedented results.

DC Vaevaso said that until today (20 May 2022), China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) have completed about five (5) groups of POM training and a set of CPPU training. I am greatly delighted that these training programs are very professional, relevant and effective, which was warmly welcome by RSIPF.

Deputy Commissioner Vaevaso said it is overwhelming and heartfelt to see that RSIPF receive training from one of the best Police Forces in the world. The Vision of the RSIPF is to be one of the best police forces in our region. I am bold to say that this Vision can be achieved through this bilateral partnership and the sincere friendship we had with the PRC Ministry of Public Security.

DC NSOS Mr. Vaevaso said to the fellow course participants, I am convinced that you have acquired useful and extensive amounts of tactical skills and knowledge during the two weeks training. I also believe that you are now in a position and capacity to be able to provide better protection for our Very Important Person (VIPs), especially to proactively and effectively confront the threats and harms that were associated with your duties and official functions. I congratulate you and encourage you to deliver and perform to high expectations and put that knowledge and skills into practice.

Sergeant (Sgt) Christopher Kakale, a CPP officer during the closing ceremony said my fellow officers take pride in this great achievement that we received. Believe in yourself, believe in what we do for the organisation and our country as whole.

Sgt Kakale said during these two weeks training we are gaining a lot as we learnt more technical skills and knowledge on CPP training. This will equip us when delivering our duties as police officers.

Chief of training, Commissioner Mr Yin Wei in his speech said during the training, I felt the passion and enthusiasm of the CPP officers for active participation. Everyone trained seriously, actively interacted, overcame difficulties, persevered, completed various subjects according to the plan, passed all assessments, and met the training requirements. The spirit of the Solomon Islands Police Force is fully reflected.

Commissioner Yin said, I felt the sweat and effort of the instructors. Everyone carefully prepared lessons, rigorously taught, and shared their knowledge and skills with the CPP officers without reservation, demonstrating the excellent style of "professionalism, friendliness and efficiency" of the Chinese police with practical actions.

He said, through this training activity, the development of police cooperation between China and the Solomon Islands has been further promoted. I believe that through training, exchanges, and cooperation, the police forces of the two countries will unite and work together to create a better future.

Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239