Chief Joseph Wakageni of Ale’a tribe in east kwaio says police presence in Atoifi reduces crime rate

Jul/01 09:00
Malaita Province

Chief Joseph Wakageni of Ale’a tribe in east kwaio says police presence in Atoifi reduces crime rate

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Chief Joseph Wakageni of Ale’a tribe in east Kwaio said police presence in Atoifi has reduced the crime rate in the past years.

Chief Wakageni said this during a high level police delegation visit to Atoifi Police Post on 29 June 2022.

Chief Wakageni said the availability of Police Post and police officers who served at Atoifi has a greater impact on the lives of our youths.

He said it reduces crime rate for the past years and it has indicated that officers at Atoifi are doing their job to deal with lawless people.

The establishment of Atoifi police post from the people of east Kwaio indeed is a great help to us chiefs when dealing with issues in our communities. The police post has been used as the venue for solving problems happening in our communities, said Mr Wakageni.
Chief Wakageni said with the help of police officers at Atoifi, we can resolve law and order in our own communities and I on behave of the House of Chief in east Kwaio request if there is a possibility for workshop and awareness program for our leaders so that it broaden our views on meaning issues.

Acting (Ag) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Atoifi Hospital Mr William Baefua said we are really honoured to have you Deputy Commissioner visiting us. A visit which is quite rare from officers of such calibre and it’s a way forward.
Acting CEO Mr Baefua said with the increase of unemployment among the youth groups we expect that anti-social behaviours would increase.

CEO Baefua said therefore, it is about time that all community leaders need to work together with our police and to maintain law and order and advocate more on respect as our culture is all about respect.

Mr Baefua said people always talk about culture as a value in our identity. While our culture deserves respect from others the culture of institutions deserve that same respect as well from us. Respect should be a two way process.

Deputy Commissioner (DC) Operations of the Royal Solomon Island Police Ms Juanita Matanga said parhership is a way forward for us stakeholders to deal with our issues.

DC Matanga said partnership is a good thing because one cannot solve his or her problem alone. Policing cannot solve all the problems in the community and the chief alone cannot solve problems in the community. This is where we need to work together to address issues in our communities.

She said we parents also have big roles and responsibilities in our communities to raise our children to be good people in our societies. We play a very important role in looking after our children.

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RSIPF Media Unit
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Solomon Islands

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