PM Sogavare and delegates witness the RSIPF firearm capability demonstration in Honiara

Jul/05 10:00

PM Sogavare and delegates witness the RSIPF firearm capability demonstration in Honiara

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Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and his Cabinet Ministers witnessed the Police Response Team (PRT) under the National Response Department (NRD) of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) displaying the Public Order Management (POM) Interoperability Response Capability Demonstration Exercise at the Tenaru Firing Range this morning Tuesday 5 July 2022.

Director National Response Department (NRD) Chief Superintendent Francis Ramoni says, “The aim of this Demonstration Exercise is to provide the elevation and transition of the PRT Capability on Short Barrel Riffle (SBR) – MK18 and the planned elevation of the NRD supporting elements like Central Response Unit (CRU), Police Support Unit (PSU) and Emergency Response Group (ERG) of the Correctional Services of Solomon Islands (CSSI) to POM level 3 capability.”

Director Ramoni says, “The SBR-MK18 is part of the NRD next capability in line with RSIPF Commissioners intention for upcoming major events to enhance the Organization training capability. The skills, tactics and knowledge acquired from SBR-MK18 training by NRD Instructors will be imparted to other members of the NRD. This is to archive the RSIPF Strategic Direction Plan 2021 – 2025 goal 3 which states enhance the Organizational capacity and capability.”

Chief Superintendent Ramoni says, “This Exercise also provides the latest tactics formulated from law enforcement agencies around the world which design to help officers respond quickly to any threat to life using the tactical advantage learned to protect life.”

The new capability will help the RSIPF carry out its mandated task to protect our communities when there are active armed offender’s incidents. It will also help the RSIPF provide national and border security to protect our people, natural resources and the sovereignty of Solomon Islands.

The joint POM Interoperability capability response exercise done today was designed to merge the Daniel Defense Short Barrel Riffle –SBR –MK18 as a support for high risk situations.

Mr Ramoni says, “Ten members from the NRD travelled to Australia early this year to undertake specialist AFP training in the SBR and are now able to respond to armed orders in a safer and more effective manner. Seeing the RSIPF SBR capability in action is the result of a long term project by the AFP-RAPPP and it’s very fulfilling to see RSIPF members achieve so much and demonstrate our professionalism.”

This type of combined POM training by RSIPF-PRT and its supporting elements –CRU/ERG-CSSI will occur regularly to ensure RSIPF and CSSI-ERG members are always prepared and ready to respond when needed.

The RSIPF have trained and worked with the Australian Federal Police for a very long time and it is rewarding to see our specialist capabilities perform so professionally together.

“The National Response Department will soon roll out the SBR MK-18 training for PRT.” says Director Ramoni.

Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239