Police clarify BSP incident in Auki

Jul/11 08:00
Malaita Province

Police clarify BSP incident in Auki

File Photo

The Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) would like to clarify an article published in Solomon Star with the title, ‘BSP Auki Vandalized’ that it is miss leading.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Malaita Province Superintendent Leslie Kili says, “Let me set the facts right that the issue surrounding the damaging of the glass door of the Bank South Pacific (BSP) in Auki is that the glass door of the BSP was not intentionally damaged as way of criminal action.

PPC Kili says, “There was an argument between a staff of the bank and his wife in which the wife was too drunk and during their argument picked up a stone and threw it to the husband but accidentally hit the door glass of the bank.”

Superintendent Kili says, “Police have conducted an enquiry and an enquiry file has been established for further investigation. No reports are yet supplied from the Auki BSP Branch Manager.”

Mr Kili calls on those who may have information regarding the incident to come forward and assist investigators. Call Auki police on phone 40132 or call police free toll line 999.

Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239
Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb