RSIPF NCPD continues with its community engagement in Honiara

Aug/06 03:00

RSIPF NCPD continues with its community engagement in Honiara

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The Royal Solomon Islands Police (RSIPF) National Crime Prevention Department (NCPD) and Honiara Community Policing Team continues its engagement to communities and hotspots around Honiara City to rebuild relationships and trust with the community and work in partnership to fight against crime in the communities.

Director National Community Policing Superintendent John Matamaru says, “Honiara City community Policing Team had conducted a successful awareness talk at Henderson Alligator area on 24 July 2022 and Green Point Community at Panatina in East Honiara on Wednesday 27 July 2022.”

The awareness is based on the five (5) drivers of crime; mainly the issue of Alcohol/Drugs, Family Violence Abuses and the effect of these drivers in the community and Solomon Islands as a whole.

“During the awareness, the team also covered the current parliament sitting in regards to the issues that usually arise in terms of antisocial behaviour, lawlessness, rioting, looting and burning of buildings. Thus, encouraging families to talk to their members to refrain from such actions,” Director Matamaru adds.

There were a good number of community members and the public had turned up during the program. Most importantly is the comments from elders who came out and expressed their gratitude towards RSIPF for the time rendered in presenting a very important awareness program to their community members.

This is the first ever program that was staged in both communities and they are very keen to establish a working partnership with the RSIPF and create a better living environment for their women and children.

The Community elders, women and members expressed their need for Police to assist them in addressing their ongoing issue on anti-social behaviour in relation to alcohol (Kwaso), Drug abuse and Family Violence. The awareness program paves way forward for them in setting up their Crime Prevention Committee to look after their community welfare.

“Both communities are planning to set up their crime prevention committee and will start working on their By-laws. They are looking forward to a fruitful partnership with the RSIPF,” says Superintendent Matamaru.

Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239