RSIPF facilitates Detective Qualifying training

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is upgrading the skills of its detectives with a five-week Detective Qualifying Course coordinated by the Police Academy with other stakeholders including the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) and Judiciary.

The training, which is being held from 5 September, is attended by 22 Police investigators from police stations including Naha, Central, White River, Henderson, Tetere and the National Criminal Investigations Department. These officers have previously attended various investigation courses and others have done the first and second levels of basic investigation career pathway and now will be trained to become qualified Detectives.

“It is important that the RSIPF continues to upgrade the skills of its investigators as investigations become more complicated with the sophistication of crimes during this day and age of cyber-crime,” says Inspector Henry ADI, Officer-in-Charge of in-service training at the Police Academy at Police Headquarters in Honiara.

Some of the topics to be discussed include:

• Types of offences
• Principles of investigations
• Forensic evidence
• Crime Scenes
• Exhibit management
• Operational Safety
• Power to arrest, and
• Criminal intelligence
The topics will be delivered through lectures and small group discussions on scenarios.