Choiseul police crackdown on unlawful liquor selling

Aug/22 09:00
Choiseul Province

Choiseul police crackdown on unlawful liquor selling

Royal Solomon Islands Police (RSIPF) officers in Taro, Choiseul Province, are cracking down on illegal liquor selling in the province.

On Friday 19th August, Taro police served suspension letters to four liquor licensees and four other people who are illegally selling liquor in their premises.

The liquor licensees and illegal sellers who were served with letters breached sections of the Choiseul Province Liquor Authority’s Liquor Act.

Choiseul’s Provincial Police Commander (PPC) says he received numerous complaints from members of the Taro and Supizae communities who reported that there are licensees who are operating illegally.

When serving the suspension letters, the PPC said his officers dispersed drunk individuals in these premises back to their various homes with a warning not to consume liquor in public places.

He warned those who have license to restrict members of the public from consuming liquor in their premises as this is a breach to the province’s liquor Act.

The PPC warned illegal liquor licensees not sell because you may be arrested and won’t get a license the next time they apply for one.

“I appeal to members of the community to report such matter to the Provincial Liquor License Board Members and to Taro Police Station,” the PPC said.

He thanked licensees in the province who do the right thing by complying with requirements of the liquor law.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239