Aug/29 07:00
Malaita Province


A Crime Prevention Committee (CPC) at Foau community in Central Kwara’ae, Malaita Province, has launched its by-laws on Sunday 28 August 2022.

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF’s) Provincial Police Commander (PPC) for Malaita Province, Leslie Kili, described the launching of Foau CPC’s by-laws as a milestone for the Foau community.

PPC Kili, who was accompanied by Sgt Robert Alegao to witness the launching program, appealed to the Foau CPC to carry out its work with pride and to serve the community by upholding law and order.

The RSIPF has been supporting the roll out of the Crime Prevention strategy as a means to fighting crimes in the community level where police presence is minimal or zero. By employing the strategy, CPC can help reduce fear of criminal activities. CPC looks after communities and works closely with the police.

PPC Kili said preventing crimes is important to reduce and prevent crime from happening in the communities which is a great achievement for both our communities and the RSIPF.

He appealed to the Foau CPC to carry out its duties within the bounds of law.

“Foau CPC is there to help the community. I urged Foau community members to work closely with their CPC,” PPC Kili said.

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