RSIPF seek community support to combat criminal activity

Sep/02 08:00

RSIPF seek community support to combat criminal activity

Hear or see illegal activities report to police together we can protect our community

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), with the support of members of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) who are part of the Solomons’ International Assistance Force (SIAF), continued to maintain high visibility patrols across Honiara in ensuring the safety of its people, institutions and infrastructures.

Under RSIPF’s Operation Parliament, there will be ongoing high visibility patrols in Honiara and police officers going out to engaged with communities. Communities are essential in assisting RSIPF in detecting, preventing and disrupting criminal activities.

Patrols are a great way for communities to support RSIPF to be able to protect their communities. While conducting their patrols, RSIPF are encouraging members of the public to report any illegal activity they may witness or hear.

RSIPF Commissioner Mostyn Mangau thanked communities for their cooperation during their patrols.

“The RSIPF continues to work with communities to maintain peace and security within our Hapi Isles,” Commissioner Mangau said.

He appealed to communities in and around Honiara to continue and render support to the RSIPF by reporting illegal activities or planned illegal activities.

“Illegal activities put our people, our institutions, our infrastructure and our democracy at risk,” Commissioner Mangau said.

He said the majority of law-abiding members in the communities should not be disadvantaged by a small minority who disrespected the country’s laws.

“We encourage all citizens to refrain from engaging in criminal activities. If you see or hear of illegal activities, we ask you to protect your community and report the matter to the police. Together we can protect our community,” Commissioner Mangau said.

SIAF Deputy Commissioner, Heath Davies, said the SIAF will continue to conduct joint patrols with RSIPF to support peace and stability in Solomon Islands.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239