CPLT Team Leader Commissioner Zhang and AC Provincial Mr. Tahnimana pays courtesy visit to CIP Premier

Sep/07 09:00
Central Province

CPLT Team Leader Commissioner Zhang and AC Provincial Mr. Tahnimana pays courtesy visit to CIP Premier

Courtesy meeting with the Provincial Premier of Central Islands Province Mr Polycarp Vikino Galaigu

China Police Liaison Team (CPLT)Leader, Commissioner Zhang Guangbao and Supervising Assistant Commissioner (AC) Provincial Mr. Leonard Tahnimana pays a courtesy visit to Central Islands Province (CIP) Premier Polycarp Vikino Galaigu on 6 September 2022.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) CIP, Superintendent David Soakai is also part of the team that pays courtesy visit before the starting of CIP POM Training Program.

During the visit, Premier Galaigu extended a warm welcome to the CPLT to Tulagi and thanked the Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC) CPLT for providing the training.

He said that such high level training is necessary for any police force on this land and the officers assigned to the province. Apart from the POM training, CPLT hoped to carry out further cooperation in equipment, logistics and other support.

The CIP Premier sent his sincere wishes for the two weeks training and hope the team enjoy staying in Tulagi and feel free to interact with his people.

Supervising AC Tahnimana introduced the training program and highly commended the previous training program conducted by CPLT. The CPLT is very professional and responsible, and believes that the CIP Police will definitely gain a lot through this training.

Mr. Tahnimana said CIP is the first outer Island province the CPLT conducted its training with. This showed a deep concern of RSIPF and CPLT. Hope the training program will support the CIP Police and benefit the people of CIP.

Commissioner Zhang said the training program conducted by the CPLT over the past seven months is fruitful especially the joint training demonstration held in Rove police headquarter which was widely acclaimed by the Solomon Islands Government and the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF).

Mr. Zhang said that the CPLT will focus on the POM training program for CIP Police and help police officers to improve their techniques and tactics. CPLT promotes long and stable bilateral law enforcement cooperation with RSIPF and provides more support to RSIPF including Provincial Police Stations.

Commissioner Zhang invited Premier Galaigu to attend the closing ceremony of the training program and the Premier gladly accepted the invitation.

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