Chinese police conduct martial art training for local women and children in Central Province

Sep/15 06:00
Central Province

Chinese police conduct martial art training for local women and children in Central Province

A group photo with the women and children in CIP

A total of 50 women including children were taught martial art training during a Public Order Management (POM) training in Tulagi, Central Islands Province (CIP) for the officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF).

The China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) conducts the martial art training for local women in the afternoon after RSIPF Official program finishes on each day.

CPLT spent an hour and thirty minutes after its sessions on POM with RSIPF and engaged with the local women and children on self-defence martial arts.

Deputy Commissioner (DC) National Security and Operation Support (NSOS) Mr Ian Vaevaso said this is a good initiative for our women and children to learn the basic self-defence to protect them. As we know, Central Province have few rape incident in the past and this training is relevant to equip our women and children.

DC Vaevaso said these women and children spontaneously came to the training ground to watch the training and expressed their appreciation for the professionalism and friendship of the Chinese police.

Mr Vaevaso said, some women who come and watch the POM training for the police like the Chinese culture and Chinese Kungfu very much and

they ask for Chinese police to provide martial art training for the local women and children.

He said, “The enthusiasm of the women and children participating in the training were so high every day in the afternoon. They wait at the training ground for the Chinese instructors to leave work.”

A local participant said that the Chinese instructors are enthusiastic and sincere. Through training, the participants feel they have enhanced their self-confidence and have mastered a certain degree of safety protection capable ability, and their sense of security in life has also been enhanced.

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Solomon Islands

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