Minister Veke opens PPCs and Directors’ Conference

Oct/03 04:00

Minister Veke opens PPCs and Directors’ Conference

Minister Anthony Veke and PS Galokale discussed with DC SIAF

The Minister of Police, National Security and Correctional Services (MPNSCS), Hon. Anthony Veke today (3 October 2022) opened the one-week conference of the Provincial Police Commanders and departmental directors of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara.

The Conference is being attended by all Provincial Police Commanders from all the provinces and Honiara City, and departmental directors from the RSIPF Headquarters in Rove. The PPCs and Directors conference will close on 7 October 2022.

The main focus of the conference is to collectively review, develop and align work plans of the RSIPF’s Annual Business Plan 2023 and RSIPF Strategic Direction 2021-2025 with the theme, ‘Embracing Unity and Partnership to Enhance Policing Capacity and Capability for a Safer and Peaceful Solomon Islands’.

Minister Veke said, our RSIPF must be reliable, efficient, effective and have the confidence of our people. How do you achieve that? You can achieve that by embracing unity and partnership in strengthening to enhance your capacities and capabilities.

Hon. Veke said, a Safer and Peaceful Solomon Islands can only be achieved through a robust partnership within our policing organisation, with our communities, our government, our donor partners and our investors.

I must say that all of you who are here, are leaders of the RSIPF. Since you are Leaders, you have the duty to ensure that the plan you develop will reflect the needs of our people and our communities, said Mr Veke.

He said, this conference is important for the organisation since you will be discussing issues affecting your work place and also bring forward recommendations and solutions to address those issues.

So I, as your Minister for Police, would like to encourage all of you to work together, to achieve your goals as mandated by our Constitution, the Police Act and other relevant legislations.

MPNSCS Mr Veke said, I want to highlight an important matter for your urgent attention. This is in the area of upholding discipline within the organisation. In fact, an important strength of a discipline organisation will rely on whether discipline is always upheld. As such, I encourage you all, as you continue with your conference, see that you re-strategize and further strengthen your collective efforts to uphold discipline within the organisation.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239