China Police provide training for 14 Traffic officers

Oct/04 00:00

China Police provide training for 14 Traffic officers

A training participant, Police Constable Harriet Kebi present her remarks during the closing program

The National Traffic Department (NTD) of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) have completed a one week training provided by China Police Liaison Team (CPLT).

The training commenced on the 26 September 2022 and concluded on 30 September 2022 with presentation of certificates. Assistant Commissioner (AC) National Capital and Crime Prevention Mr Simpson Pogeava, Director of NTD William Foufaka, Team Leader of CPLT Commissioner Zhang and his deputy Ji attended the close ceremony and issued the certificates.

AC Pogeava said in his remarks during the official closing said CPLT’s willingness and openness to extend your training capacity development program to the NTD Officers is a clear demonstration of the strong partnership you have established with the RSIPF.

AC Pogeava said, we have witnessed CPLT have provided relevant training to certain departments within the RSIPF including Provincial Stations. It is my hope and prayer that you will further extend your capacity development training programs to other parts of the organization.

Mr. Pogeava further acknowledged officers for availing themselves to participate in the training. Your attendance and commitment to successfully complete this training must be acknowledged.

Looking forward to everyone demonstrating the knowledge and skills you have learnt from the past five days of training. I request that you share the knowledge and skills you have learnt from the training to your colleague officers when you return to your duty station. I am looking forward to your willingness to participate, when training opportunities are available, says AC Pogeava.

CPLT Instructor Wang Zhongyu in his remarks at the closing ceremony said during the training, I felt the passion and enthusiasm shown by the police officers. Everyone is hardworking and highly disciplined.

Instructor Zhongyu said you overcome many difficulties including the high temperature, physical tiredness, and domestic difficulties. All officers put aside their busy work to attend the training. All of you passed all assessments, and met the training requirements, fully reflecting the spirit of RSIPF.

A training participant, Police Constable (PC) Harriet Kebi in her remarks said this training is very important for us especially dealing with people every day and thank you CPLT for availing yourself to provide this tactical training for us.

PC Kebi said, if it was not you, we would never have the opportunity to go through this training. As we always know that most tactical training is for the tactical teams only.

Supervising Chinese Ambassador to the Solomon Islands His Excellency Mr. Yoa Ming in his remarks said I have received a statement that ‘everyone enjoyed the training’ so I would like to express my admiration to CPLT under the leadership of Commissioner Zhang for your kind support and also would like to thank instructors for your hard working over the past week.

Mr.YaoMing said I can see that traffic police men and women have benefited a lot from this upskilling program. As we all know traffic police is the inaugural part of police forces in every country. Traffic police are relevant to our daily life when we are driving. Especially when drivers complain about traffic jams.

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Solomon Islands

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