RSIPF commends Civil Society Group for Peaceful March

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has highly commended members of the Civil Society Group for the peaceful march from SMI to the office of the Prime Minister, West Honiara today 19.09.2017.

Deputy Commissioner Operations Mr Gabriel Manelusi said, “I behalf of the RSIPF I wish to acknowledge the Civil Society Group and students who involved in the peaceful march.

“RSIPF is very pleased with the behaviour of the Civil Society Group members who well behave during the march. There was no major incident that was reported in connection during the peaceful march,” said Deputy Commissioner Operations,” said Mr Gabriel Manelusi.

“This shows to Police that our people have moved on from the days where we used to have problems while organising such peaceful march. Our Civil Society Group must be congratulated as this shows to the world that citizens of Solomon Islands are law abiding citizens and are prepared to rebuild the image of our ‘Hapi Isles’. The RSIPF salutes you for this,” said Deputy Commissioner, Manelusi.

“I also want to publicly thank all RSIPF officers who took part in the peaceful march for their tireless effort in ensuring the security of the Civil Society Group members for expressing their freedom of speech,” said Deputy Commissioner Manelusi.

The peaceful march commenced at 09:15 am from SMI and arrived at Prime Minister’s Office at about 0923hrs and then the petition was presented to Deputy Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga.