Police arrest 18 year old girl for allegedly concealing her infant baby

Henderson Provincial Police of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) arrested an 18 years old girl for concealing her infant baby at Kingdom Harvest Henderson in Central Guadalcanal on 17th September 2017.

The infant baby was then taken by Police to Honiara National Referring Hospital (NRH) and declared dead.

The mother of the deceased was arrested and place in police custody for questioning and further investigation.

Provincial Police Commander Mr Nixon Manetoga said, “I call on to every concern person, community, family and church leaders to work together with the police to assist in preventing similar incidents to happen in the future”.

“I am deeply saddened when briefed by my officers about the poor infant discovery, as there was another similar incident at Guadalcanal plains, GPPOL II area last week and my condolence to other relatives of baby”, added PPC Manetoga.