China Ambassador to SI says handing over of vehicles and motorcycles is a milestone in policing cooperation between China and Solomon Islands

Nov/06 08:00

China Ambassador to SI says handing over of vehicles and motorcycles is a milestone in policing cooperation between China and Solomon Islands

Donated motorcycles and vehicles to RSIPF

His Excellency, China Ambassador to Solomon Island (SI) Mr. Li Ming says handing over of vehicles and motorcycles is a milestone in policing cooperation between China and Solomon Islands.

His Excellency Li Ming says, “Since the establishment of diplomatic relationship between China and SI three years ago, the two countries have maintained high level cooperation based on mutual respect and equality.”

China Ambassador to SI Mr. Li says, “As a response to the emergency request from the government of SI after the riot in November 2021, China government sent China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) to SI to assist RSIPF in enhancing its capability of public management and professional training.

Ambassador Li says, “After the arrival, the CPLT has committed themselves to the principles of “professionalism, efficiency, inclusiveness, transparency” for the purpose of friendship and goodwill. The policing cooperation is fruitful in many areas including professional training and equipment assistance.”

Mr. Li says, “With efficient coordination between China and SI, other China-aid policing equipment have also been delivered. They include Digital VHF Communication System, Interpol I-24/7 Communication System and fully equipped Forensic Autopsy Laboratory. These projects are also landmarks of China-SI policing cooperation and symbols of our friendship.”

He says, “Nearly 400 RSIPF officers from Rove Headquarters, Central Island, Isabel and Province have benefited from CPLT training courses. A team of 32 RSIPF officers is now attending training and visiting program in China. This is the first and biggest delegation ever from RSIPF to China.”

“They will complete their training and come back to SI in the next few days. I sincerely hope that after four-week professional training and exchange in China, the 32 officers can further enhance their professional capability building, but also will learn more about China and Chinese culture,” says China Ambassadors Mr. Ming.

China Ambassador Li emphasizes: “That policing cooperation between China and SI is in the interests of the two countries, and benefits the region as a whole. Safety, security and sovereignty of SI and its people are top priorities of China-SI policing cooperation. China does not have any intention to compete with any other countries, nor interfere in any other countries’ domestic affairs, and we are firmly opposed to any geopolitical games.”

Ambassador Li further explained the Global Security Initiative (GSI) is underpinned by six commitments. They are staying committed to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security; staying committed to respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries; staying committed to abiding by the UN Charter; taking the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously; peacefully resolving differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation; and maintaining security in both traditional and non-traditional domains, such as regional conflicts, terrorism, climate changes, cyber security and biosecurity and other international issues.”

Mr. Li suggested that China in the new era of development brings new opportunities to the world. We look forward to more sustainable and in-depth policing cooperation between China and SI.