Commissioners cup kick start at Burn Creek Community

Nov/07 05:00

Commissioners cup kick start at Burn Creek Community

Commissioner Mr. Mostyn Mangau gave his remarks during the opening ceremony

A seven a side knockout and volleyball game have kick-started today (7 November 2022) at Burn Creek community as part of police engagement with communities.

The commissioner’s cup is a first of its kind initiated in collaboration with the Burns Creek community as a way forward to keeping peace in our communities.

A total of 32 teams, both soccer and volleyball, have been registered to participate in the tournaments. The games are anticipated to finish on 11 November 2022.

The Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) Mr. Mostyn Mangau has officially opened the Commissioners Cup and kicked a soccer ball to the field to officiate the game’s opening.

During the official opening, Commissioner Mangau said this initiative is a significant achievement in terms of the police partnership program with Burns Creek community and I must thank the community leaders for engaging with the police on this kind of activity.

Commissioner Mangau said this kind of activity will make a change for the future generation of our community. It is not all about us who are here but all about our kids. We are paving a way forward for our kids. Let Burns Creek community be a leading community in Honiara and even the whole country as well.

Mr. Mangau said this event is paving a way forward for developments in communities if we work together. There are agents in the government who can assist with our development aspirations. The RSIPF is one of the departments of the government to serve the community and work side by side with our citizens.

He said this event will be an annual event and will go out to other communities and the whole country as well.

I urge the community at Burns Creek to work closely with the police to make such an event a successful one.<?blockquote>

The Police Chief said Burns Creek Community has had a lot of challenges with the police in the past years and now become a role model to other communities in our country and that is the way forward in terms of working together in partnership with the RSIPF to build a safe and peaceful community for our future generations.

Attractive prizes will be presented to the winning teams after the tournament closes by the end of this week.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239