RSIPF welcome re-opening of gym

Nov/09 06:00

RSIPF welcome re-opening of gym

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) welcomes the re-opening of the RSIPF Gym at the Rove Police Headquarters recently. The gym was force to close after COVID-19 restrictions in late 2021.

The RSIPF gym is where police officers accessed prescribed fitness training program, health tips and checks aimed at keeping them fit and healthy to do their policing duties.

The gym was initially setup through funding support from the Solomon Islands Police Development Program (SIPDP). The RSIPF and Australian Federal Police (AFP) Policing Partnership Program (RAPPP), which replaced SIPDP, has continued to support the gym through the provision of new equipment and dedicated health and fitness trainers.

In a brief ceremony to mark the re-opening of the gym, RAPPP Commander, Clinton Smith, also delivered new equipment to the gym. The equipment include; boxing equipment, a multi station weighted resistance machine, a multifunction gym station, spin and cross fit bikes, weights and other accessories.

RSIPF Commissioner, Mostyn Mangau, used the ceremony to encourage RSIPF officers to join the programs and activities offered at the gym. Commissioner Mangau also remind his officers to take good care of the gym equipment.

He acknowledged Australia for the ongoing support to the RSIPF through RAPPP and for helping to re-open the facility.

Commander Smith said police work is stressful and studies have proven that, coupled with shift work, police work leads to shorter life spans for Police Officers.

He said it is important that RSIPF officers look after their health and wellbeing.

Commander Smith said the AFP is committed to continuing to support the RSIPF with equipment and access to fitness instructors and programs provided at the gym.

Local gym instructor, Hence Charles, is one of the dedicated trainers in the gym. He said he is excited to see the gym re-opened after about 11 months. Charles said RSIPF officers and local staff working for RAPPP have been eager to resume their training.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239