NCPD officers visit to Western Province

Nov/15 00:00

NCPD officers visit to Western Province

A student asking question during the awareness talk

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at the National Crime Prevention Department (NCPD) have recently coordinated mindset training and awareness talks during their tour to the Western Province recently.

Director NCPD Superintendent John Matamaru says, “The Provincial visits are purposely to roll out mindset training for RSIPF officers in stations throughout the province.”

Director NCPD adds, “The mindset training consists of five components which are Strategy, Culture, Leadership, Capability and Performance Management. The objective of the mindset training is to enable officers in implementing the crime prevention strategy of RSIPF.”

Superintendent Matamaru says, “The training is crucial as it helps to enhance skills and knowledge of officers in dealing with issues more effectively.”

NCPD Director Mr. Matamaru says, “The NCPD team together with Gizo police officers have also conduct awareness programs at Don Bosco Rural Vocational Training Centre in Gizo and Dunde Community High School.”

Mr Matamaru says, “The awareness is based on the five drivers of crime which are on Family Violence, Alcohol and Illegal Drugs, Issues Affecting Youths, Resources and Environment and Emerging Issues.”

“Students of both schools are encouraged to work smart and to make use of the opportunities with the skills gained as it is essential for the development of this country and to avoid being involved in crimes. Students are also reminded of the sacrifices parents have invested their resources into paying school fees,” says NCPD Director. Matamaru

He says, “The awareness is full of energy and participatory with constructive questions and comments from both teachers and students. The awareness is a learning platform to most of the students as they confidently stood up and shared their experience on issues affecting their lives.”

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Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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