Police identify 11 suspects in relation to suspicious death at Fiu Bridge in Malaita Province

Dec/08 07:00
Malaita Province

Police identify 11 suspects in relation to suspicious death at Fiu Bridge in Malaita Province

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) at Auki in Malaita Province have identified 11 suspects in relation to the suspicious death of a male person found under Fiu Bridge on 6 December 2022 in Central Kwara’ae.
RSIPF Commissioner Mostyn Mangau says, “It is confirmed that the dead body is of a male adult person in his 30s or 40s that police retrieve his body in the morning on 6 December 2022.”
Commissioner Mangau says, “Police believed that it was a suspicious death because the deceased had swelled on his face and at the back of his head.”
Mr. Mangau says, “The deceased was identified by his relatives from Fulikaomae Village in Auki Langa Langa.”
He says, “Post mortem has been completed to form part of the police investigation and it will take some time to finalise the report before it will form part of the case file.”
“My condolences to the immediate family of the deceased during the great sadness and the loss of their loved one,” says Police Commissioner Mangau
A death inquiry has been established and currently the investigation into the suspicious incident is continuing.
Police are appealing to anyone in and around the area that may have any information related to the death and come forward to assist police.

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Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239
Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb