Police appeal to taxi drivers to report traffic police officer who demand fine on the spot to PSII

Dec/13 03:00

Police appeal to taxi drivers to report traffic police officer who demand fine on the spot to PSII

The Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) is appealing to taxi drivers to report traffic police officers who demand a fine on the spot to report it to the Professional Standard Internal Investigation (PSII) of RSIPF.

Supervising Director PSII, Inspector Lawrence Iko said this appeal came after a taxi driver went to the media instead of reporting the matter to the PSII over the weekend.

Director PSII Mr. Iko said it is wrong for a police officer to ask a taxi driver for a fine on the spot. The process is there for any expired vehicles to go through especially on payments of vehicle licenses.

Director Iko said Traffic officers regulate the traffic law but when it comes to payments, vehicle owners have to go to the Inland Revenue to do the payment but not fine on the spot.

Inspector Iko said it is good for taxi drivers to have in mind that when any police officer stops and approaches you on the road. You have the right to ask the name of that officer and other details. This will help PSII to identify those officers and deal with them.

Mr. Iko said that officers do have the obligation to identify themselves if and when approaching any member of the public. But if the officer did not identify him or herself then the person they are approaching has the right to know who he or she is.

He said just for your awareness purposes, if you offer cash to that police officer it is an offence and if that officer accepts that offer from you it is an offence as well. Both are bribery offenses for accepting and receiving which both can be liable for imprisonment.

PSII office is located at the back of Honiara Central Police Station or you can call them on phone 24107 or 24108 and report any ill practices by RSIPF officers.

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Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239
Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb