Suspicious death at Fiu Bridge now become a murder case

Dec/15 00:00
Malaita Province

Suspicious death at Fiu Bridge now become a murder case

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Auki, Malaita Province has confirmed that the suspicious death of a young man found beneath Fiu Bridge in Central Kwara’ae now become a murder case.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Malaita Province, Superintendent Leslie Kili says, “This confirmation came after police have arrested a male suspect from the 11 suspects identified earlier.”

PPC Kili says, “From that 11 suspects identified by the police for questioning, an-18-year-old male person become a prime suspect in relation to the murder incident.”

Superintendent Kili says, “The prime suspect has been remanded on 13 December 2022 at Auki Correctional facility and will appear in court at a later date for his trial. Investigation into the murder incident is still continuing.”

Mr. Kili says, “Parties of the deceased and the suspects have already had a reconciliation ceremony in Auki Police Station on Friday 9 December 2022. The reconciliation is to calm down both parties from further retaliation while investigation is in progress.”

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Solomon Islands

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