RSIPF acknowledge the general public for good behaviour during the festive season

Jan/05 05:00

RSIPF acknowledge the general public for good behaviour during the festive season

The Royal Solomon Islands Force (RSIPF) acknowledged the people of Honiara for good behaviour shown throughout the festive season.

Police Commissioner Mostyn Mangau commended the public for a peaceful celebration throughout the festive season despite one murder case in borderline East of Honiara.

It is during these season that our families along with other families in the City can celebrate the true meaning of Christmas and New Year.

RSIPF deployed a good number of officers to provide high visibility at the Christmas and New Year’s Eve event held at the Unity Square (Ports area) Point Cruz.

“It’s good to see men, women and children were able to enjoy both events as there were no disturbances encountered. The program ended smoothly as anticipated by the organising committee,” Commissioner Mangau adds

“For that reason, I thanked members of the RSIPF, Solomon’s International Assistance Force (SIAF) and the private Security Companies who collaborated to oversee security duties during both programs and making it successful.”

Mr Mangau wish to thank the good people of Solomon Islands for the good behaviour demonstrated and the support in creating a safe environment for communities to celebrate and enjoy the festive season.

“The New Year celebrations went well in all communities and no major incidents reported across Honiara City policing jurisdiction. I must congratulate you all good people for taking responsibility in making this year’s New Year celebration a peaceful one.”

“RSIPF is looking forward to work closely with the Government, Church leaders, Village chiefs, Youth leaders, Women group leaders and all stakeholders to build strong relationship and partnership to make our communities a safe, secure and better place to live in,” Mr Mangau adds.

I want to acknowledge members of Crime Prevention Committee, Community elders, Church leaders for working together with police in making sure our communities celebrate peacefully during the festive season period.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239