RSIPF marks Police Remembrance Day

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) today (29 September) marked the ‘Police Remembrance Day’ as known as the ‘Blue Ribbon Day’ with a ceremony at the Police Headquarters in Rove, Honiara.

The ceremony was attended by the Governor General, HE Sir Frank Ofagioro Kabui, the Acting Prime Minister, Hon. Manasseh Maelanga, the Patron of the RSIPF Blue Ribbon Foundation, Sir Paul Tovua and other dignitaries including members of the diplomatic corps. Relatives of the RSIPF officers who passed away during the past year also attended the ceremony.

“On this day we remember the unqualified dedication of police officers in Solomon Islands and other nations in the region, to the defense and justice in our land. We also remember the sacrifice from men and women throughout the police force. We also remember our colleagues who have died during their execution of their duties especially those whose untimely deaths occurred during the last 12 months in Solomon Islands and the Pacific countries,” says Juanita Matanga, RSIPF’s Supervising Commissioner.

Supervising Commissioner Matanga also read out the names of RSIPF officers who passed away during the past year. Wreaths were laid in honour of the late officers by the official guests, members of the diplomatic corps and relatives of those who passed away.

The program to mark the ‘Police Remembrance Day’ also included the inaugural ‘Police Station Open Day’ and sporting activities at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara and other provincial police stations throughout the country.