Police charged a 36 male suspect for two counts in Western Province

Jan/19 08:00
Western Province

Police charged a 36 male suspect for two counts in Western Province

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at the Gizo Police Station Criminal Investigations Division (CID) have charged a 36-year-old male person for store break-in and escaping from police custody on 14 January 2023.

Initial report stated that the suspect allegedly break-in at a Chinese shop in Gizo town and remove cash and other valuable properties at 2am on 3 January 2023.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Western Province Chief Superintendent Mathias Lenialu says, “The suspect was taken to Gizo police station after the incident, however, he escaped before they could formally arrest and charge him.”

PPC Lenialu says, “RSIPF and Correctional Service of Solomon Islands (CSSI) officers in Gizo conducted a joint operation which resulted in apprehension of suspect and was later charged.”

“The suspect charged for one count of Shop break-in and Committing Felony Contrary to Section 300(a) of the Penal Code (Ch. 26) and one count of Escaping from police custody contrary to section 199 of the Police Act,” Says PPC Lenialu.

The suspect currently remanded for 14 days at CSSI facility in Gizo and will appear in court on a later date.

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Solomon Islands

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