Police commends public in Gizo

Police at Gizo in the Western Province have commended members of the public in the township for their behavior during the Mini Tomoko Festival and the visit of the cruise boat the Pacific Eden today.

“I want to commend the public in Gizo for their behavior during the visit of the cruise boat which saw 2,000 tourists come ashore. The tourists spoke highly of their visit due to the friendliness of the people who they met during their short visit to Gizo,” says Provincial Police Commander, Western Province, Mathias Lenialu.

PPC Lenialu says, “This feedback is very useful as Gizo expects more visits by cruise boats in the future.”

PPC Lenialu also commends his officers for a successful operation in ensuring law and order was maintained during the Mini Tomoko Festival and the visit by the cruise boat. No major incident was reported during the operation.