Police investigate stabbing incident

Police investigate stubbing incident happen in the early hours this morning at Mbokonavera one area in Central Honiara today.

Currently police investigators at the scene are collecting possible information’s that could lead to the death of a male person.

The decease currently at the National Referral Hospital morgue while investigations still continue in to the stubbing.

Provincial Police Commander, Honiara City Mr Alfred Uiga calls on to the surrounding communities and the general public to give more information’s to police.

PPC Uiga said, “More importantly I call upon our traditional leaders who settle in and around Honiara to work close with the police to mitigate the issue.”

“I kindly ask you if you know that you are responsible for this stubbing incident please I kindly ask you to surrender yourself and come to the police,” said Mr Uiga.

Any information in relation to the stubbing incident you can call Honiara City Police on Phone 22999 or you can call police emergency on 999.